(~0 minutes to read)
Here’s a Monty-Python-inspired parody of a local newspaper. The Pythons’ version can be found in “The Brand New Monty Python Papperbok” (available online still/again via Amazon).
I found my version in my files recently and thought it was worth sharing as my contribution to the exabytes of digital detritus dumped on disks in cloud computing facilities around the world this week. (okay—I don’t know if it’s actually exabytes (millions of terabytes) per week.)
I wrote it for a theatre program for a one act play festival whose theme was “In the News”.
Incidentally, in the Monty Python version of “Also in the News”, one of the items was “Germany re-united.” They wrote that in the early 70s, 15 years before it happened. Spooky, eh?